At LSF Head Start we know that to truly thrive parents and staff must come together to support the child. We create a community around each center where program staff, families, family members, and the children can build positive and goal-oriented relationships.
There are many ways as a parent to participate in your child’s learning.
- Volunteer in a classroom, painting or beautifying the yard!
- Join your center’s aMEN or L.O.V.E groups
- Donate supplies (i.e. paper, paint, books, furniture)
- Engage in your child’s learning at home
- Read bedtime stories
- Review counting and the ABCs
- Create art together
- Put some time aside to ask them about their day and discuss their feelings

Do you want to be involved? Not only do we want you to as well, we need you! It is important for the children to see their parents active in their lives and schooling. There are many opportunities for you to volunteer in the classroom. This includes:
- Reading to the kids
- Helping out with special events
- Helping with beautification of the playground
- Helping decorate
- Helping with outings and activities

Ladies of Victory and Empowerment (LOVE) seeks to strengthen, support, and encourage program participants to be resourceful, self reliant, and goal oriented. We acknowledge that women fill very important roles in their households and we will equip them with skills and resources to enhance their lives.
Building a successful future requires preparation, knowledge, and accessibility. L.O.V.E. will provide just that!
The program seeks to achieve its’ objective by enlisting community support, providing interactive workshops, family focused fellowship, and volunteer opportunities. It is our desire to deliver relevant material to participants and empower them to take an active role in program planning and implementation

A Man Everybody Needs (AMEN) is a fatherhood involvement initiative program for the male staff, fathers or male figure that have a positive impact within our Head Start families.
The purpose of this initiative is to increase parent/guardian involvement in the Head Start program through center and local program activities that encourages positive child development. This initiative will also help the families by providing resources to participants and their families while helping them understand the importance of father involvement in a child’s life especially in the early development stages.